
Let Water Make You Lose Weight and Be Healthier

Most diet schemes for weight loss forget to include how water can make you lose weight. A lot of them focus too much on high protein diets, or high fiber ones. Many of them fail to mention the importance of drinking eight big glasses of plain water daily.

Minding your own Liquids

When we talk about water intake, we mean it literally. Your cup of coffee might contain water in it, but it doesn’t count as water because it has caffeine and simplified sugar in it. Your orange juice, although also in liquid form, does not count as a water substitute either because it contains sugars and inevitably calories.

Learning to replace your sodas, coffee drinks, and juices with simple zero calorie water can help you significantly cut down your waist size. Sugars are one of the primary culprits of weight gain. You’ll notice how obese people are mostly diabetics—they have unhealthy high levels of blood sugar.

Naturally, by cutting down on simple sugars and unnecessary calories, drinking water can make you lose weight. Natural fruit juices are healthy, but you should limit your intake to two glasses daily. Cutting down completely on sodas can dramatically make your weight drop. A single glass of soda contains about 4 tablespoons of simplified sugars. Sodas and sugared drinks don’t really hydrate you efficiently because sugar makes you feel thirstier.

Cut down on caffeine

The rumors about caffeine increasing the body’s metabolic rate had women binging on coffee all over the world. Although coffee does increase an individual’s heart rate, the claims aren’t entirely valid. Coffee, since it’s a diuretic, can severely dehydrate the body. Caffeine and a tiring workout is, quite simply, a lethal formula. The high heart rate combined with dehydration can lead to serious organ malfunction. This won’t let you lose weight—it might make you lose your life faster.

Plain water, on the other hand, cleanses the body from toxins. If you’re body is regularly hydrated, your kidney and liver won’t go haywire. You should keep your coffee intake to two small cups a day. If you can, you should seriously consider replacing coffee for green tea, which can wake you up just as well as coffee, with less caffeine content.

You should also avoid alcohol intake, which also causes dehydration.

Cheat the hunger pangs

Apparently, hunger pangs and thirst pangs are sent to our brains using the same signal. This is the reason why most dehydrated individuals think that they’re hungry all the time, and some people claim that drinking water actually makes them feel full. Most of the time, people mistake thirst signals for hunger pangs, and they end up overeating. You’ll find that once you’re drinking enough water everyday, you won’t feel so hungry in between meals anymore. Thus, you’ll lose calories (and unwanted pounds) this way.

Can water make me lose weight without exercise?

Although there are scientific studies that show about 30% increase in metabolic rate for people who are hydrated compared to people who don’t get enough water, this increase is too little for significant weight loss. If you truly want to lose your flab, you need to team up your water therapy with a healthy diet and regular exercise routines.